An initial step to publishing an ArcServer geoprocessing tool is adding the script to an ArcMap toolbox, setting the parameters for the script, and then publishing the tool.
The tool I'm developing allows for non-technical users to perform technical queries by the push of a button.
Currently, I have the tool added to a Toolbox in ArcMap. The tool takes 12 arguments from the user. 9 arguments are check-boxes, 2 arguments are values between 0 and 1, and the final argument is a feature-set(a polygon). The check-boxes allow the user to select attributes from the data-set, in a 'on/off' sort of way. To select a range of juniper density, the two arguments that take decimal numbers specify the low and high values of density. And the final argument,the feature set, allows the user to first draw a polygon around a specific area; from this specific area, all the other arguments are then used to refine the query.
For example, the screenshot below is building a query that will select: Low and High producing grassland and savanna, that are in private land, that have juniper tree density less than 25%--all within the specified polygon.
The resulting feature set selection for this query is below.
Another example, here is the result of the query (High and Low Producing Grassland, that is State Trust, with 0 to 25% juniper density--in the specified polygon).
The most unique and easily repeatable part of this tool is finding a 'range' of data. This tool could easily be applied to the whole state with respect to answering questions about slope, distance to water catchments, and possibly other density questions--like animal population density.